
Mostrando las entradas de agosto, 2023

ISRAEL From God's footstool, Earth, YAHVE's stronghold in the universe. The game was set and the deal with the devil was "everyone", everyone had to corrupt the generation of the end so that it would win in an Olympic way. And because with only one God wins the eternal dispute with the devil over the moral quality of man? it justifies and consecrates itself with that only fruit produced, and there will be a tomorrow for man, but if not, an absolute end for this plant called humanity. And yes, roundly and cinematically the dispute was centered around a single man, in the end there were four left standing, one went mad, another became depressed and committed suicide despite the pleas of the angels to give up, and another sick and died, yes from Covid This has shown that the test is not only moral but also physical and mental, revealing that we are a whole, if we get sick or have an accident, we did something wrong. And if we did something wrong we got sick or had an accident. And the last bastion of God's bastion in all humanity was called, in too perfect a synchrony: Israel, but as they say fiction is greater than reality, do not forget that on the wailing wall, with moss and humidity, it ends to clearly form the 4 letters that make up the word YHVH and it was also known that in a part of the DNA the geneticists described that there is a section that looks a lot like characters from the Hebrew alphabet. Why mention the secret code of the bible? And reality surpasses fiction from the moment God is the author of reality indirectly and inevitably is also the author of all works of Fiction. Israel, like all the presumed chosen ones, the devil locates even before birth and since then he has been studying, working, corrupting and taking more and more parts of his being, through the network of sorcerers who secretly dominate the world. world, they can block our mind but partially, by sections, and Israel in its adulthood had blocked music, soccer, chess, geopolitics, the economy, even so it was very intelligent and with what was free God could do the enough light for the devil to win the mental disputes that were faced every day in his mind and he always won, effectively solving the new algorithm created by the evil one, where almost always the answer to be found was the same: "because despite all God is good and to continue playing for Him, and for good and justice and light and love.” And every night, victorious, he went to sleep enlightened, having found the answer, which would be removed during his sleep by the cheater, to be hidden again in an increasingly complicated and tangled algorithm. And the last battle, when God said "time", it was like this: The devil himself, no longer speaking with interlocutors, but himself or told him "but which humanity do you want to save if since you were a child and until yesterday, the whole world betrayed, lied, cheated, spell”. It doesn't matter.- he answered spontaneously. .-If those in charge of Jesus to support the company of salvation fall, all the rest fall, but if I put up with that same issue, God will see that humanity turned out well and will continue to imagine it alive in the future because the company de Jesús was successful and worked well. Being the first saved their own members. The explosion of light from their chachas, aura and soul was such that the devil himself was expelled as in the best action movie, and God triumphed. There was great uproar in heaven, and everything happened from the bastion, from the bastion, from the bastion of God in his head, the “theology” section. If with that group of neurons God turned the devil's plate in the whole universe, making his gigantic machinery for the destruction of humanity useless, so that the glory is not for any man but all for God Yahve, as it should be. Israel, as it is called is also God's chosen people, had that name because she was born with a birthmark on the left side of her head that was identical to the shape on the map of Israel and maybe, just maybe, a CT scan could reveal it, if the undefeated area of his brain did not have the same shape as the Holy Land chosen by God. We believe that yes!, overall, it is just a fictional story…!


ISRAEL Desde el estrado de los pies de Dios, La Tierra, el bastión de YAHVE en el universo. Se pauto el juego y el trato con el diablo fue “todos”, todos debía corromper de la generación del fin para que olímpicamente se alzara con la victoria. Y porque con uno solo Dios le gana la eterna disputa al diablo sobre la calidad moral del hombre?, porque a ese único que alcanzó el objetivo de Dios durante el tiempo suficiente fue producido por toda la humanidad, y toda la gigantesca obra de Dios se justifica y se consagra con ese único fruto producido, y habrá un mañana para el hombre, pero si no, fin absoluto para esta planta llamada humanidad. Y si, redondo y cinematográficamente la disputa se centro un solo hombre, al fin quedaban cuatro en pie, uno enloqueció, otro se deprimió y se suicido a pesar de la suplicas de los ángeles que desistirá, y otro enfermo y murió, si de Covid, demostrado esto que la prueba no es solo moral sino también física y psíquica revelando esto que somos un todo,