....YO CON MI CUERPO HAGO LO QUE QUIERO... Si no logras que Teresa aborte no tendrás reposo nunca jamás. Escuchame bien Marlene: Te enviaré a lo mas bajo del plano astral para que seas violada consecutivamente por toda la eternidad por formas que sin ni sabes y por los seres mas horrendos que aun no puedes imaginar. Pero... Pero nada! Que nadie trabaja por voluntad propia en este empresa. O lo logras o lo logras. Te estoy llenando de poder ahora mismo no lo desperdicies. Vuelve acá con buenas noticias Y de lograrlo? De lograrlo.... Tendrás una hermosa vida: casita, familia amigos, estudios, fiestas, sociales pasta familiar, misa los domingos... Pero como? yo ya morí... De eso me encargo yo. Vos tenés que procurar que ella pise el palito. Metete en sus pensamiento, debes hacer que se autoengañe, convenciéndola que no tiene vida lo que obviamente si la tiene... Je je je... Que pierda su integridad religiosa, su coherencia, su moral, su conviciones cristiana, dejadme comer de esa fruta tan deliciosa que aun posee... Decile que es su derecho por ser mujer, que en su cuerpo manda ella, vasta del sometimiento del patriarcado de los machirulos, que nos pone a parir cuando ellos no tiene útero ni saben nada lo que significa ser mujer... Y bla bla pura estupideses pero que te serviran para bloquearle la razón y que no piense en la verdad y asi con falacias se libere de la responsabilidad de tener un hijo no deseado siendo tan joven. Capicci Marlene? Vamos a trabajar... Con gran diligencia Marlene comenzó su trabajo estando las 24 horas del día en la mente de Teresa solo expulsada en unas oportunidades por algunas lecturas bíblicas y oraciones que ella no pudo impedir ni distraer. Pero que solo la protegían una horas luego volvía ella con su oscuridad y su satánico spech para repetirselo como un robot todo el tiempo pero con diferentes tonos y matices. No solo que logro que abortara, si no que se convierta en una activista del aborto alejándose de su religión cristiana. Marlene ya prácticamente hablaba con ella internamente, pero aun Teresa no lo concientisaba. Y En una del esas noches cuando dejo en llorar en secreto su bebe tubo el siguiente dialogo con ella pero aun creía hablaba sola. Tu sabes que el bebe si tiene vida... Si, lo se. Y porque te autoengañas? Procuro bloquear mi dolor y liberarme de la responsabilidad. Y entonces porque haces apologia al aborto como el derecho de la mujer... Si tu lo hiciste presionada por tu padre? En primer lugar inconscientemente trató de luchar para normalizarlo para así disminuir mi dolor, pero es en vano. Pero mas bien lo hago por maldad, para que otras inocentes caigan al mismo pozo negro que cai yo y asi no me sienta sola en esta oscuridad de haber matado a mi propio hijo... Y ella luego hará lo mismo con otras... Que idiotez... Por temor a que despierte y concientice lo que acaba de decir Marlene le clavo su garfios etéricos en la mente para que olvide todo lo dicho pero que recordará patentemente el dia de su juicio donde le explicaran porque le paso lo que le estaba a punto de suceder. Ya que con esa misma prueba: sus propias palabras, el mal ganó licencia para despojarla de su cuerpo. Con el cual no se hace lo que se quiere pues si te lo dio Dios y te dio una ley: NO MATARAS, so pena de castigo. Y tu transgredes esa ley elemental, por pecador quedas desprotegido y a merced de tu verdugo cazador quien gano con todas las de la ley, total licencia sobre tu vida y tu cuerpo. Efectivamente esa noche mientras dormía profundamente pero teniendo pesadillas donde una niña la llamaba mortificandole la conciencia y debilitándole mas y mas el alma, teniendo do ya la potencia de un fósforo ante el vendaval de una gran tormenta y cuando por fin se apagó definitivamente, ella fue empujada violentamente del interior de su propio cuerpo, viendo como la misma Marlene se metía dentro y ella era llevada por demonios a la rastra a cárceles etéricas donde vería muchas almas de abortistas que hacían lo que quieren con su cuerpo hasta que lo perdieron por no pensar con claridad, con luz, con verdad, con razón, con objetividad, con Cristo. Dejándose manipular por un mediocre discurso de un demonio con pocas luces. Que el diablo mal le paga al que bien le sirve y Dios es fiel y cumple su palabra: "...el que cava un pozo caerá en el... Sobre el malvado recaerá su maldad... Dios le paga a cada uno conforme a su obra... Dios sabe lo que hay en los corazones y el engaño y el autoengaño son dos caras de la misma moneda... Ser no ser. La tumba se relame por ti abortista. Arrepentíos mientras estés a tiempo. Que los juicios han llegado. Y si, tiene vida... Y tu también... aún...

https://twitter.com/i/status/1691584917732258144 ....I DO WHAT I WANT WITH MY BODY... If you don't get Teresa to abort you will never have rest again. Listen to me carefully Marlene: I will send you to the lowest part of the astral plane so that you will be raped consecutively for all eternity by forms that you do not even know and by the most horrendous beings that you cannot yet imagine. But... But nothing! That no one works of their own free will in this company. You either make it or you make it. I'm filling you with power right now, don't waste it. Come back here with good news. And if you achieve it? If you achieve it.... You will have a beautiful life: house, family, friends, studies, parties, family pasta socials, mass on Sundays... But how? I already died... I'll take care of that. You have to make sure she steps on the stick. Get into her thoughts, you must make her deceive herself, convincing her that she has no life, which obviously she does have... Heh heh heh... Let her lose her religious integrity, her coherence, her morals, her Christian convictions, let me eat that delicious fruit that she still has... Tell her that it is her right to be a woman, that she rules in her body, vast from the submission of the patriarchy of the machirulos, that makes us give birth when they do not have a uterus nor do they know anything about what It means being a woman... And blah blah is pure stupidity but it will serve to block your reason and prevent you from thinking about the truth and thus, with fallacies, free yourself from the responsibility of having an unwanted child at such a young age. Capicci Marlene? Let's get to work... With great diligence Marlene began her work, being in Teresa's mind 24 hours a day, only expelled on a few occasions by some biblical readings and prayers that she could not prevent or distract. But they only protected her for a few hours, then she returned with her darkness and her satanic spech to repeat it to him like a robot all the time but with different tones and nuances. Not only did she get her to have an abortion, but she also got her to become an abortion activist, moving away from her Christian religion. Marlene was already practically talking to her internally, but even Teresa was not aware of it. And on one of those nights when she stopped crying secretly, her baby had the following dialogue with her but she still believed she was talking to herself. You know that the baby does have life... Yes, I know. And why do you deceive yourself? I try to block my pain and free myself from responsibility. And then why do you advocate abortion as a woman's right... If you did it under pressure from your father? Firstly I unconsciously tried to fight to normalize it in order to reduce my pain, but to no avail. But rather I do it out of malice, so that other innocent people fall into the same black pit that I fell and so I don't feel alone in this darkness of having killed my own son... And then she will do the same with others... What idiocy... For fear that he would wake up and realize what he had just said, Marlene stuck her etheric hooks in his mind so that he would forget everything that was said but that he would clearly remember the day of his trial where they would explain to him why what happened to him happened to him. was about to happen. Since with that same proof: her own words, her evil gained license to strip her of her body. With which you do not do what you want because God gave it to you and gave you a law: YOU SHALL NOT KILL, under penalty of punishment. And you transgress that elementary law, as a sinner you remain unprotected and at the mercy of your hunter-executioner who gained, with all of the law, total license over your life and your body. Indeed that night while she was sleeping soundly but having nightmares where a girl called her, mortifying her conscience and weakening her soul more and more, she already had the power of a match in the face of the gale of a great storm and when it finally went out definitively, she was violently pushed from the inside of her own body, watching as Marlene herself got inside and she was dragged by demons to etheric prisons where she would see many souls of abortionists who did whatever they wanted with their bodies until they lost it for not thinking. with clarity, with light, with truth, with reason, with objectivity, with Christ. Allowing yourself to be manipulated by a mediocre speech from a demon with little insight. That the devil repays evil to those who serve him well and God is faithful and keeps his word: "...he who digs a well will fall into it... On the wicked his evil will fall... God repays each one according to his work... God knows what is in the hearts and deception and self-deception are two sides of the same coin... Being is not being. The grave is licking for you abortionist. Repent while you still have time. May The judgments have come. And yes, it has life... And so do you... still...


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